Ocean Blue Aquatics... Elgin OH YEA this is a MUST SEE LFS


Premium member
I was at Ocean Blue Aquatics today, pretty sure my first time ever GIO was great to deal with, friendly, and knowledgeable

They have a large number of marine tanks... with pristine water, super clean, clearly a passion, not a job.
I found AMAZING livestock there today, all healthy, lots of coral.... simply amazing.

I bought some Moorish Idols today ( NOBODY HAS THEM NOW ) I bought a Georgeous Blond Naso Tang, an AWESOME Black Tang and more. Again these fish are FEW and far between right now, and MY LUCK to find them at this place. I asked Gio to feed the livestock I was interested in, and every one of the fish I purchased, were all eating when fed, and now 3 hours later, ALL eating in my tank now.

I couldn't be happier with my purchase, and am sure I will be back.

They are the higgen gem for finding some great fish. One of my favorite places for fish.

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