Octopus babies

You'd think newly hatched brine would be nutritionally adequate but it has been tried without success.
Copepods and Amphipods would be suitable but tiggerpods rotifers are too small. I will just keep my fingers crossed that my tank has enough to keep some alive. I will only be gone for a week.
worst case scenario...they will hatch just before I leave. We'll just have to wait and see how this plays out.
Grilled octopus?

I heard (don't quote me) but they say brine doesn't have enough nutrition value for growth of newborns, Rotifers/pods are what they need to get enough nutrition to grow from the first stages.
Sissy, who is on uberfrags.net, has a very successful practice of rearing different types of marine fish -though no octopus to my knowledge-any way, she may be able to offer an idea or two. Good luck