
There is an open chamber towards the back where overflow is. The protein skimmer adds enough oxygen and top is not air tight. I had considered drilling holes in the top but we are doing fine without them. When I say sealed, I mean closed off so the octopus cannot squeeze out through openings.

ahhhh ok i thought it was sealed completely looks cool tho i can just imagine an octopus trying to get out of there and if it did get out what would it do.
I thought there were a few breeders for Bimaculoides online? Are they no longer around? and are they still considered the best and easiet to keep in cativity? I know they are one of the few captive or at least were.

There was a guy who was breeding them but is no longer. There is a company that advertises farm raised O. bimaculoides (from somewhere in Mexico...they say) but it is a questionable operation. A friend on Tonmo.com purchased one and got a different species, it actually turned out to be a O. mycropyrus. It was a cool little octopus but not a bimac. Bimacs do make a wonderful pet (I am told) they are also a smaller speices that can be kept in a 50 gallon tank. The only way people are getting them these days is catching their own. They are temperate and require a chiller. I have only kept tropical species.

IMO there is no best or easiest octopus. All are considered difficult, difficult because of their special needs.
ahhhh ok i thought it was sealed completely looks cool tho i can just imagine an octopus trying to get out of there and if it did get out what would it do.

I have kept O. briareus, O. himmelincki, O. mercatoris and O. vulgaris. The only one ever to attempt escape was O. vulgaris. He was determined at times. Due to his size, very large, it was unnerving. I wish I had photos or a video but his attempts were always unexpected. When he got near the surface, he blast me with his siphon, it was like being hit with a water cannon. Wrestling him back into the tank was unbelievable. Imagine 8 arms sticking to the glass and my hands and water everywhere. I had to be careful because he could hit the ceiling and what a mess. He sure was a handful but such a delight at the same time. :)
My daughter's first contact with her O. briareus Aquamarine. This one is nocturnal and just started coming out early enough (and with lights on which makes for better videos ;) for her to interact. She is very sweet and gentle. I have high hopes for her.(the octopus not my daughter...well her too)

Wow, that was badass.. The octopi are real badass and have always wanted to own one but can't give it the life it needs, so yea...

Real cool, love the video!
Jenni requested photos of my octopus playing with toys. I thought it would be better to post them here.
This is El Diablo, O. vulgaris. I no longer have him, he died in November. He was a very fun and entertaining octopus. I hope to own another O. vulgaris one day but he was one of a kind. Here are some of my favorite photos.





He helped me clean the tank.










very cool. pics. how does it feel when you touch if you can explain. did it ever escape? is it safe to pick them up with your arm and would they wrap around your arm?
They feel soft and smooth and surprisingly firm. They will hold on tightly using their suckers. Some will pull hard others are gentle. The suckers are sensory receptors, they taste with them. Diablo was the most aggressive octopus I've owned, at times it was difficult to get him off my hand if he didn't want to let go. Usually, a touch on the back of the arm will cause them to release, not him. He did try on several occasions to explore outside the tank. It is amazing when you gain their trust and they allow you to pet them. You always need to be aware of the beak. I'd never give one the opportunity to pull my hand too close.
Those pics of Diablo playing with toys are quite honestly one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I had no idea they had such personality. That's awesome. Thanks for sharing.