Out and about. Fish stores?

I spent all my money! Got a nice frag of Bam Bam's, huge rainbow fla Ric, banjaii cardinal, skunk shrimp, nassarius snails x4 and of course my LED fixture!!!

Reefwise is cool, went there for the Xmas party and dropped some coin. Maybe hit them next trip!

Thanks guys for the help!
I felt beyond the reef was pricey when I went but they did have a variety of fish and corals the time I went

owners changed for Beyond the Reef about a month ago. They're doing a whole renovation of the place...last time i was there they were tearing down walls...need to stop by to see what they did...but I agree...it was pretty pricey back then...
owners changed for Beyond the Reef about a month ago. They're doing a whole renovation of the place...last time i was there they were tearing down walls...need to stop by to see what they did...but I agree...it was pretty pricey back then...

Thanks for the heads up. Last time I was there was I think summer time.