palys changing colors

Probably just need more light and a little bit more flow.. I usually keep my zoas and palys in - little intense light and they do just fine..

im thinking they are getting toomuch light already ...

and another important thing that might help here .. they didnt take days to go like that ..its like in one evening i saw them green one polyp closed and i saw it later an all green is gone ..

pink color is still there
ohh and i was also told .. im changing too much water so im gonna cut down on water changes also ..

i used to change like 2.5 gallons every week (out of 8 gallon system having 5 gallons of water), im gonna do only 1.5 gallons water change every two weeks
Ok so is it turning brown or white?

the green in the center of the pink hippos is gone like something sucked at it, in just whites it appears brown.. the surrounding color pink remains unchanged .. the size of the polyp seems like it shrunk just a bit.

other than ph no other params has issues .. Ph goes from 7.5 at nights to 8.0 when lights are up ..
ohh and i was also told .. im changing too much water so im gonna cut down on water changes also ..

i used to change like 2.5 gallons every week (out of 8 gallon system having 5 gallons of water), im gonna do only 1.5 gallons water change every two weeks

I would not say your changing too much water. If anything, you are probably stressing the tank out too much, between aquascaping, lighting, and possible water changes not being same temp / salinity and things like that, it's probably mostly stress. The best thing you can probably do it lower the lighting, you can't just "double up" on lighting and swap a bunch of times in two weeks, and do a bunch of other stuff without causing some stress. IMO a classic mistake is people sometimes dabble too much in their tank. Always moving stuff around, changing things, so on so forth, it's not a good thing to constantly change stuff. (I'm guilty of moving stuff a lot) Sometimes things just need time.
you can't just "double up" on lighting and swap a bunch of times in two weeks, and do a bunch of other stuff without causing some stressSometimes things just need time.
Soo true
things just happened that way :( and as bambam said they are open all the time so hopefully they re fine and would regain their color back
Heck, I'll GIVE you some VC to try for a month.

i have been ignoring all the comments about VC on this thread and everyother thread its being suggested as a cure all ..please let me keep my calm and leave it that way ..

VC is VitaminC not some magic ... it might help cancer patients ..heck it might even help AIDS patients to get rid of it and live 100 years but in reef tanks .... im skeptical
Tin ..couldn't hurt to dose half .

Actually gonna start myself soon . Gonna just add ..... Way way under dose.

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i have been ignoring all the comments about VC on this thread and everyother thread its being suggested as a cure all ..please let me keep my calm and leave it that way ..

VC is VitaminC not some magic ... it might help cancer patients ..heck it might even help AIDS patients to get rid of it and live 100 years but in reef tanks .... im skeptical

Vit C is what helps support your immune system which is why it is recommended with sick fish. Just like using selcon with food. If u look at the ingrediants in selcon it has vit. C. I've never head of it helping aids and cancer lol.

(and yes i know what Aids stands for)
Joe i understand what VitC does. but there are more disadvantages of dosing it in an 8 gallon than not dosing it ..

and as i said leave VitC out of this thread and we can continue on the topic
In my personal expereince with all Palys and Polyps, I had a huge Algea Bryopsis outbreak and I needed to get rid of it, I started to Dose Kents Kent M casue they say Tech M get rid of this stuff so I did and over a month of using good Husbandry and doing water changes every other week and plucking off the Byropsis my tank started to turn around, I know I dose Tech M everyday 60ML of it until the Bryopsis went away and stop growing, since then my Algae problems went away and low and behold My Zoanthids and Palys Blew up and started to grow at a high rate. So I thought wow this is awesome I am seeing great growth from all my coral. ( I dose Kent Tech M every Day at 60ML measure and Pour I never tested because at that point is didn't care if my system crashed to get rid of the Algae).

Since then I have been dosing Tech M every other day and my Polyps and Zoanthids are as happy as can Be. I am not saying this will work for everyone but it's working for me to keep them colored up and happy. I have 2 seperate systems and I have done this on both. I am still dosing it in both systems and soon I am going to stop dosing it to see if Tech M has the special juice to keep corals Zoanthids alive so far they have keep them alive as long as I have been dosing it and growing. Just thought I share this experience
I'm a firm believer of time to relax and heal. Zoa's might not "mind" dirty water, which I agree with, but I don't think clean water hurts then in any way. The thought process of dirty water is that there maybe more food for them to catch and eat, but even that is heavily debated in the hobby. Since you have a mixed reef, i will continue to say water changes are not hurting your tank at all. There is plenty of nano's that do a larger super water change, i do between 30-80 percent per week. Last week I did 80, I typically do closer to a 50-60% change.
Good to know .. so how did you arrive at that 60 ml ?? product description says 10 ml) per 50 gallons tank capacity every week in all marine systems it ok to over dose magnesium ??

if i were to dose on an 8 gallon tank (yes i would research first) any calculation ? im against dosing anything but things slowly starting to screw me up and i have no other go

In my personal expereince with all Palys and Polyps, I had a huge Algea Bryopsis outbreak and I needed to get rid of it, I started to Dose Kents Kent M casue they say Tech M get rid of this stuff so I did and over a month of using good Husbandry and doing water changes every other week and plucking off the Byropsis my tank started to turn around, I know I dose Tech M everyday 60ML of it until the Bryopsis went away and stop growing, since then my Algae problems went away and low and behold My Zoanthids and Palys Blew up and started to grow at a high rate. So I thought wow this is awesome I am seeing great growth from all my coral. ( I dose Kent Tech M every Day at 60ML measure and Pour I never tested because at that point is didn't care if my system crashed to get rid of the Algae).

Since then I have been dosing Tech M every other day and my Polyps and Zoanthids are as happy as can Be. I am not saying this will work for everyone but it's working for me to keep them colored up and happy. I have 2 seperate systems and I have done this on both. I am still dosing it in both systems and soon I am going to stop dosing it to see if Tech M has the special juice to keep corals Zoanthids alive so far they have keep them alive as long as I have been dosing it and growing. Just thought I share this experience
1ML is 1Gallon as the bottle states... My tank is 60G so 60ML... I am not sure about over dosing but I wouldn't do it in your size tank not sure on how it will react esepcailly if your only having lighting issues
ok all this while we are revolving around lights and stress

are there any other possible explainations for this ?

i tested

Nitrates - 0
Phosphates - 0.2
amm - 0
ph - 7.5 - 8.0 (night to day swing)
flow mp 10 - NTM mode and 2nd level.

will test dkh and cal once i get home today

is there any thing else i need to test to make sure they are inline ?