Palytoxin, my story...

Thanks Smitty.

Wow. The same thing was running through my hed last night, there's no way the hospital would believe what I think caused it and there is so little toxin in the blood, they wouldn't be able to detect it.

They ran every test on me, gave me a spinal tap, thinking it was a strain of meningitis, and Various std tests. I was hospitalized for almost a week and had lost 15lbs.

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They ran every test on me, gave me a spinal tap, thinking it was a strain of meningitis, and Various std tests. I was hospitalized for almost a week and had lost 15lbs.
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Holy shit! That's a hell of a story. Glad you made it through Sir. I can't imagine how bad you had to feel, just 12 hours of it sucks pretty damm bad.
Wow, glad you will be okay.
A couple of times upon fragging. I had my thumb swell up a little on me.
Also once I got shot up the nose. I had flu like symptoms until the next day!
That sucks josh. Ive felt symtoms possibly from toxins in the rock. No paly or zoas.

Did you get stung by a moskito? Sounds like zika symtoms.
Jus messing with cha
Anyone wo helps my wife with it, it's up for grabs. She won't want to see it die and has no idea how to keep it running other than feeding fish and emptying skimmer cup.

Man giving u wife away to lol stop reading stuff horrible stories out there hopefully u in the clear I remember i keep getting sick upper respiratory thought my immune system was shot then had all types issues with my hands joint swelling pain took me few months but finally put two and two together it was always after fuking with tha dam zoas and palys being a machinist there isnt a day that i dont have cuts on my hands bd when u take those things out of water to cut off they spit at u and i was zapping them with electricity not smart reminds me i gotta zap some more ugky ones ugh
Wait u did the acid inside u dont think it was just the vaps from the acid i did mine out side and my lungs burned and got sick not ad bad as u but definitely not a good feeling
Wait u did the acid inside u dont think it was just the vaps from the acid i did mine out side and my lungs burned and got sick not ad bad as u but definitely not a good feeling

I've burned my lungs from breathing heated vinegar fumes in the past, it sucks but this is a lot worse. This also has excesive amount to thick phlem, the horrible body aches and shivers.

I always use vinegar inside to clean rocks and the like. It's never been a problem until last night when I tried killing these couple little bastards.
I've burned my lungs from breathing heated vinegar fumes in the past, it sucks but this is a lot worse. This also has excesive amount to thick phlem, the horrible body aches and shivers.

I always use vinegar inside to clean rocks and the like. It's never been a problem until last night when I tried killing these couple little bastards.

Oh yea thats bad still prob worse since u did it inside dammit
Happened to me late last year. It sucked something fierce. I was cleaning on some zoas from some rock and didn't know about them being toxic. It's the sole reason why I don't keep zoas.

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Happened to me late last year. It sucked something fierce. I was cleaning on some zoas from some rock and didn't know about them being toxic. It's the sole reason why I don't keep zoas.
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I've looked at the couple remaining death palys today and thought the same... I'll give it until tomorrow before making the decision. The wife likes them, but it's not worth this crap.

I hope you're feeling better.

Not long ago I moved a softball sized rock covered in red people eater poly's, from a 20g to a 75g. When I went to move the rock, I did not realize that over time the polys had jumped to the next rock, and remained connected (it was out of sight) so when I grabbed the rock, it tore the polys apart. The tank clouded up significantly, I thought all was doomed. The destination tank clouded up as well, I feared the worst. Fortunately for me it was one of the rare times I was wearing gloves. Not long after move, all appeared fine, as I'm sure you'll be. New home

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