Marilyn, practice makes perferct. Now that you learned from your mistakes you wont hurt yourself the next time you frag.
That's right because I won't be fragging zoas or palys again. I'll gladly pay one of you more experienced fellow reefers to help me out. I'm done with this. I'm a klutz with sharp instruments!
Woah, glad this wasn't any worse! Ironically I was reading more about palytoxin poisoning just the other day - there are some true horror stories out there, this isn't a trivial toxin!
On a side note, the mechanism by which the toxin works is ingenious! It disrupts your cells sodium pumps... Which is such an intrinsic and basic function of cells in general that the toxin has the potential of working on any cell! I mean, how cool is that! Hmm, ok, maybe not the thread for marveling at palytoxin....
I really hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing a reminder to us all to be careful with our tanks!
Maybe in a few weeks I'll share your excitement about the amazing ability they have, but for now.... I'm just
Get better, im one of the ones who got an infection from just having my hands in tank. i wrench for a living so im always scratched up, one day my forearm started swelling up, i let it go a few days until it looked like i had a volcano ready to blow on my arm. Doctor visit, they "drained" the wound and put me on antibiotics for about 2 months. i have a crater left over and the memory of the pain when they squeezed my arm like an orange. Looks like you are better than me at getting medical care though so you will hopefully not be scarred up.
Why do I picture that scene in Willy Wonka where that girl blows up into a blueberry and needs to be squeezed?
I'm glad you are OK. That's why I thought it was important to bring this up as a reminder to those of us that have been in the hobby for awhile, but especially for the newbies who may not even know that this could happen.