

New member
Darn, got paly juice in a tiny cut from handling giant protopalys I was selling at the swap. Entire finger is swollen, stiff & hot. That cut was only the size of a pinprick too. OK, I know, I'm a big baby... :violin:
Ive heard of people having reactions from touching there stuff. I pick up my anemones with my bare hands and never had any reactions so far!
Been there, but mine was a bit more severe. My throat started feeling a bit funny. Nearly went to the ER. Self medicated with benadryl and the workout supplement nox (its supposed a vasodilator). Symptoms went away pretty quick.

Gloves and glasses from there on out.
Not long ago, I woke up the morning after a water change with a swollen ring finger on my right hand. I could see a tiny little spot where the skin was broken. I called the Dr early. By the time I got there, the entire finger was red, numb and turning blue. She admitted me to the hospital, I was on IV antibiotics for 2 days. She worried the infection would set into the joint. Don't fool around, these infections, they can get serious. So much nasty bacteria in out tanks. I would not hesitate having it looked at.
I hope you're feeling better soon.
This is about the 10th time this has happened since I started reefing 5 years ago. I've had it way worse. Weird that I haven't built up an immunity to their toxin/bacteria, like I have to cat bites.
i must be immune too, cuase i have bad hangnails and i had the paly's all over my hands getting them on my rocks. had to cause my dominant perc HATES my hands in the tank. i have to sit there and flick at the **** thing with one hand and glue with the other.
seriously their brutal, i understand that it's 'her' tank, but comon dont these animals know dont bite the hand that feeds?

actually on that note, my wife gets a way more excited response when she goes up to the tank, i bet they dont bite her, they really do know the difference in people.