peaceful damsel... I know right? Chrysiptera Galba (Canary Demoiselle)

Idk dwarf angels r mean lol my yellow tails damsels r chill as hell though so who knows

My flameback has been quite chill. It'll effe with another fish by swimming on it's side in small circles while under the other fish (a sight to see) but that is about all the agression it'll show.

So I'm looking for a fish who can hold it's own against the borb and the flameback, but not add any more aggressive either.
Lol and dont even compare to this

agreed. I don't have a sand bed and can't afford a bioload that big. I'm looking for a cool, personable fish within the limits my tank will afford. A $130 damsel might fit... (we're all mad in this hobby... a $130 damsel :sparta-lol:)
That's a damsel that is on my list for deepwateer biotope . Just like you Josh ,I did some research and looks like one of the peaceful damsels. I saw one in person at Old Town couple of months ago, looks spectacular, bright yellow with that contrasting eye, it was in a tank with small fish, buddy of mine who works there said that it was not aggressive at all. $130 or so is a hefty price for damsel, but it takes extra effort to catch them in deeper waters.
That's a damsel that is on my list for deepwateer biotope . Just like you Josh ,I did some research and looks like one of the peaceful damsels. I saw one in person at Old Town couple of months ago, looks spectacular, bright yellow with that contrasting eye, it was in a tank with small fish, buddy of mine who works there said that it was not aggressive at all. $130 or so is a hefty price for damsel, but it takes extra effort to catch them in deeper waters.

You've sold me Mark. I would have had today's in DD but I waited on hold with them to place the order, I'm going to be out of town for a few days and can't risk having a delivery while gone. Let's just hope it can hold it's own against the borb and flameback during acclimation to my tank. More to come...