Peppermint Shrimp, cleaning or attacking rbta

My gf messaged me saying that one of the Peppermint shrimp in the 55 looks like it was attacking the rbta I bought today. I saw it do something similar from what she described with the orange/yellow ricordea I bought from Living Art Aquariums in Madison WI. Looked like it was cleaning it.

I tried to introduce the rbta into my 25 with the breeding pair of Goldstripe Maroon clowns but the female attacked it and tried to move the rbta off the sandbed where it landed. She ripped a couple tentacles off the rbta and I moved it into my 55.

After the Peppermint shrimp went over the orange/yellow ricordea, I haven't seen it bother it since then.
Has anyone had the same experience before?
Looked fine today and the Peppermint shrimp left it alone until I tried to feed it a dried krill piece, took it away from the rbta. Ended up spot feeding it some frozen mysis shrimp instead and the PShrimp left it alone.