peppermint shrimp question.


Are peppermint shrimp any more sensitive to water parameters than any other critter. I had someone tell me today that I should spend 1.5 hrs dripping them because they're very pH sensitive...Not gunna mention a store cuz its just one person at a store - The peppermint shrimp seem to doing fine with my normal acclimate procedure - add a little water, take a little, in a container until the water has been turned over.
I did an ignorantly short acclimation with my 3 and they are doing great. (Molts are freak out worthy the first few times)

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Update...Peppermint shrimp have been in the tank for 9 days and are doing fine! If I use my imagination I'm seeing less aiptasia too!
i had a problem with aptasia and they took care of it. now i think they are eating my chalice corals and acan corals.
I always just rip the bag open and dump them in....but then again I go through 4 a week because they are food for my frogfish!
i just took mine out so i will see how my corals do. i will keep everyone posted on it.

please do that. I have three and I really like them and they haven't bothered anything I have, but I am about to get some acans and am a little concerned after reading this thread. Thanks!!
i believe it is a hit or miss with peppermints. you will have people say they do or don't bother corals. each situation is different. i think mine was not getting enough food because the cleaner shrimp was always a hog.
I was told that shrimp are more sensitive than fish, especially with salinity changes. I lost 3 shrimp when I floated them to adjust temps in the bag and then dumped them. Ever since then, I drip acclimate them for at least an hour and I have yet to lose shrimp or crabs since.