AEFW can spy an adult to the right
Those are the eggs of the DEVIL. The most evil pest of all AEFW.
Yellow Coris wrasse? What do you recommend?
Daym!!! How much acro do u have? U might as well treat the whole tank. Get rid of acro with that much eggs. Save a few frags. Dip each colony/rocks in Bayer (30ml per cup) and place back in tank after rinsing. Wait a couple hours after u place everything that was dipped and then use carbon in your sump. You will actually see more FW die in your tank from left over Bayer that leaches out of the dipped rocks. Repeat every 2 weeks. i think weekly dips stress acros out too much, but if they look fine you may do weekly.
I would advice against setting up new QT tank because acros will die in a new QT tank.
Dip all new corals in Bayer.
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Wouldn't this method kill his fish? Wouldn't the leeching kill his fish down the road even if he QT'd his fish during treatment? Doesn't Bayer attack the nervous system of animals, including fish?