Pics of my fish collection

Thanks Marty! Yeah, I love these guys. Hopefully I can get them spawning soon too!
Wow Wojtek, thanks so much! I really do appreciate it.
Impressive collection of fish! BTW, what is that pink thing in the last pic wrapped around the right side of the burrow?
Sorry Tom, I just saw this. Yeah, I loooove my bluespot jawfish pair. They necessarily hard they just need the right environment. They are a cool water fish so they require temps at least 74* and below. They are also very prone to disease from what I have seen so a properly quarantined and conditioned fish is a must. They also burrow quite a bit so you will need a sand bad of at least 2-3". I feed the tank 2-3 times a day.
Very nice tank Blake. Really good job on keeping all those fish alive. Dori looks out of place. Maybe trade her for a gem tang or tri color.
Thanks Matt :) I love my fishies. LOL yes, I have tried to get rid of Dori many times. My dad has a fish only at his office and he has had Dori for about 9 years now. She moved to the 120 when she outgrew his 85 gallon. Needless to say he is very attached. Although if I ever did have the opportunity to get a tricolor tang I would get rid of the purple and blue in a second.
Wow...great pics and awesome fish. Makes me want to go take pics of mine (even though I don't have anything that cool!)