BADGUS Active member Apr 4, 2011 #1 Since i don't see too many nanos here i thought i'd share pics of my nano.In the process of setting up a 12g LED for the wife.Here is is: December 2009: Jan 2010: Jan 2011:
Since i don't see too many nanos here i thought i'd share pics of my nano.In the process of setting up a 12g LED for the wife.Here is is: December 2009: Jan 2010: Jan 2011:
EyeReef Active member Apr 4, 2011 #2 thats a really nice big is the tank? Dimension? Lighting? the whole 9 yards???
BADGUS Active member Apr 4, 2011 #5 Custom 34g cube,22 1/2X22 1/2X16h........Maristar 250W(phoenix14k) halide and 2x24W T5's(ATI blue+). Octopus NW110 skimmer,10g sump,10G ATO/2part tank.ran by a RKL.
Custom 34g cube,22 1/2X22 1/2X16h........Maristar 250W(phoenix14k) halide and 2x24W T5's(ATI blue+). Octopus NW110 skimmer,10g sump,10G ATO/2part tank.ran by a RKL.