Please help


New member
Ok I have a 72 gal bowfront with 50 pounds live sand 100 pounds live rock several corals. There are 2 small piscasso clowns 2 cardinal 1 lawn mower Blennie 1 chromis misc crabs and snails and for now a large naso tang. O and two clams. Lights 7x54 ati t5. Sumo with fugue and octopuss skimmer. Mag 9 dialed back for return one korolia 4, 3 korolia 1 for flow. Plenty of surface agitation. Tank parameters.
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Ph. 8.2
Ammonia 0
Alk. 124. Hanna checker
Cal. 600. Hanna checker
Mag. 1470. Safe alert
Salinity. 1.025. Refractomer
Temp. 80f

Now the problem. Two weeks ago I found one of my piscaso clowns stuck to the overflow. I removed him and he was still breathing so I placed him in a container with an air stone. He didn't pull through. Today I woke up to my adult 6 in tang stuck to the korolia 4. Last night It didn't seem to be very active. Yesterday I did a 15 gallon water change with pre made saltwater. The parameters above are from after I found the tang today. I placed the tang in my 40 frag tank because he is still fighting but barely. I know parameters are high which I don't get. I don't dose anything. I use reef crystals and it's always premade for at the very least 4 days.
Sorry about run on and grammar but I'm tryin to post fast for answers. Please help.
Your temp is a tad high. Not that that's a reason for this necessarily. Are you inverts all doing ok?

How does everything else look? There is always the potential they just died.... Not always a reason.

Is there anything you've recently changed in your system?
Temp climbs to that In The afternoon. Inverts doing fine. I have been fighting a little bit of red cyno here and there. Nothing was changed before the clown died. Only thing that has changed since then is I added another piscasso On Monday.


I don't know. It could just be a fluke. What are your temp fluctuations? Normally that doesn't affect fish as much as inverts, but any stress is bad stress.
I'd say it was just a fluke then. Normally there would be more signs if there were more problems. Other fish would show stress, inverts would be turning up dead, corals wiltering, etc. Your params are great, if the cal and alk a tad high, that would only affect corals. Temp I would try to control maybe with a fan or something during peak temps, but other than that, it's perfect.

I wish there was a better answer, but it was prolly just a fluke.
If you didn't have enough flow your corals would show signs of stress. The red cyano could be from low flow, but your fish don't need high flow.
The tank is about a year old. My zoas have really taken off but some others like my hammer coral look like there suffering a bit I don't know this sucks
Also both fish have been found the same way. Stuck to either power head or overflow and still alive but to weak to swim. This sucks my tang looks around like wtf and theres nothing I can do
Right all fish accounted for so only thing it could be is a shrimp or snail or crab. But nitrates and nitrites are fine. I thank you for all the commements. I just don't understand. Two fish in two weeks and I just replaced the clown I can't afford to lose two more