Yes the Hanna's were bought about two months ago and input a fresh chemi pure elite in abou two or three weeks ago. The smell has went away over the last day or so m
Three weeks ago I woke up to the clown stuck to the overflow. When I pulled hi, out of the tank he was tryin his little but off but just couldn't swim. I put him in a container with a air stone but it was just to Late. Tonight I put the tang in the frag tank but I don't think hes gonna make it thought the night.
Then i got no idea cause what the guy was saying he lost 3 one night another couple next after 3 days he lost 12 fish. But in your case no idea don't think it be that spread apart if it was.
Nope all fish look fine. Then like yesterday the tang was not to be seen like normal. Kids seen him sitting on the bottom while I was asleep but didn't think to say anything. When I got up he was stuck to powerhead. I pulled him off led him in my hand in the tank and he was tryin to swim a little but his mouth was closed. So I took him to the frag tank where if he does die at least I can get him out fairly easy. He moves every once in a while but mostly just sits on the bottom on his side.
If everything appears to be normal with your param's, I'd run some carbon. You'll never know, but something may have contaminated your tank. Carbon is cheap and safe. You could also do a big WC.
Oh! I had a talk with the reps from Seachem at a frag show a year ago. Although no one did a study or a test, she said that, generally speaking, test kits do become unreliable after about 2 years. You may have just bought it but how long was it sitting on the store shelf?