pom pom crab , anemone crab, and sexy shrimp locally?

Anyone know of a place that has these in stock currently? Would be great if I could find one place that has all 3. Looking to add cool inverts to my 45g cube. Currently houses a breeding pair of clowns, dracula goby and randalls pistol shrimp pair, 2 x sexy shrimp ( want to add more ) and a pom pom crab with no poms (would love to get another with poms as I read they will sometimes share). Thanks
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When i got my pom pom it was from steve at fish planet but that was a like 2 yrs ago, im sure he can get you another
Beyond the Reef had Sexy Shrimps and Pom Pom Crab (no poms) this weekend. Aquapros had anemone crab 2 weeks ago. Probably best to just call around and ask.
I got mine from Aquatica! Just today I saw my michael's pistol shrimp gnawing on the exoskeleton of my pompom... I seriously thought he killed the cool guy for a second but found him in the usual hiding spot :)
I got a pom pom recently. Saw it for 30s when I put it into the tank. Next time I saw it was a week later, dead. Blah. This is the 2nd time I have gotten a pom pom crab and they hide a lot.