Possible Tank Crash... Looking for the source


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Hey everyone I have a 16 gal Nuvo that has been running for about 2 years now. The tank has been extremely healthy, and I have been keeping SPS mostly with some LPS. It has been a thrill to finally have a nano SPS tank that thrives. I recently went on vacation and for about the last month the tank has going downhill. I had someone sit the tank and they dosed / fed the fish. About a week after I got I read something on my Hydra LEDs on how to give the tank more of a 20K look, the settings were a little off my normal settings so I set an acclimation of 20% reduction over 3 months. Everything was fine and then one of my frags started to RTN. Thinking it was maybe that there was overfeeding or something I did a 3 gallon water change. Then in the next few days another SPS started RTN'ing and then another. My immediate thought was AEFW. The first frag that RTN'd was the newest and was about 3 weeks in the tank before it started. I did dip the coral in CoralRX before it went in, but knowing that something may have made it into the tank I did not want to rule it out. I read that if you do a Bayers Treatment on the corals the AEFW will come off the coral and you will see that you have them. When the 2nd SPS started RTN'ing I immediately removed it, including the base and put it in a 15 min bath of Bayers. Since the coral was mostly dead at this point I was taking chances and wanted to see. After the 15 minutes I rinsed the coral in another bath of tank water in a separate bowl. To my surprise there were no AEFW in either bath. To further solidify that it was not AEFW I noticed that 2 of Montis started RTN'ing as well in the next few days. As I currently sit most of my SPS has browned out or RTN'd. My LPS (Blastos) that I have had for 2 years will not open fully anymore either, this happened in the last week or so.


Nirtate - 0
Nitrite - 0
Ammonia - .25
PH - 8.2
Phosphate - 0 (what the test stated)
Cal - 420
Mag - 1350
ALK - 10.6 (This was the only thing that spike as I normally kept this at 9.3, since the test I have reduced the dosing to bring it down)
SPG - 1.025

The only thing that I changed was I started dosing Brightwells Reef BioFuel. I was dosing it for about 2 months prior to these issues taking place, but I have read that carbon dosing can lead to SPS RTN. Alk is the only thing that changed and it may have been overdosed when I was on vacation but I have not read it leading to RNT. I think the browning and the corals not opening as from stress but that is my guess. So far I have maintained my normal 2 part dosing and mg to keep stable levels and I quit dosing the BioFuel. I have been doing weekly 2.5 - 3 gal water changes but have not seen any improvements. Any thoughts would be great appreciated.

Losses so far in the last month or so.....

Cali Tort Colony
Tyree Sunburst Monti Colony
Tyree Mystic Sunset Colony
Tyree Green Slimer
Aqua Delight Acro
Secales Acro
Sorry to hear the word crash about your tank, alkalinity needs to be stable for sps I learned the hard way early on. What test kit do you use for phosphate? When I used salifert phosphate it would always read 0 and I pitched it in the garbage.
What test kits do you use and have you recently had one expire or had any run out and are using a refill? Curious to see if anything has changed beyond what you may think it is.
When you have 0 nitrates and 0 phosphates you need to keep alk just below 8. And ammonia at .25 should be 0. I'd also like to know what test kits you're using
I added some salt and killed sps before . Lesson here is if it isn't broke don't try to fix it . The less you mess the less you kill.
Put the SPS back (may be come back), don't dose anything, change little water one every 3-4 days. Stop dosing that stupid fuel (I learn that lession).
All my sps start brown color and Bleaching because 1.038 salt level after a week vacation
I did water changed every 2 days to bring salt level down but nothing help
then I moved all sps to big tank in basement amazing sps heal back and grow up with color beautiful now
Thanks everyone. I have Salifert test kits for Cal, mg, and ALk. I have API test kits for the rest. All have been bought this year probably around January. So should just try to level everything out as it was? I did stop dosing the biofuel about 2 weeks ago.
Put the SPS back (may be come back), don't dose anything, change little water one every 3-4 days. Stop dosing that stupid fuel (I learn that lession).

It's funny you say that mai. I used to dose fuel and I stopped that. I noticed that my coral did much better without it and I stopped getting crazy spikes in levels without it. Nature really does know what is best for it. Just a little water change here and there and the rest works itself out honestly.
I would stop dosing, add some filters to take some organics out (possible build up) and also do a 15% water change. wait and see what happens.. good luck!!