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He's a zoa guy and SPS would be too much for that tank. That's why I recommended maintain high nutrients.
Yeah wont probably do a lot of sps. I'll have a couple montiporas..and "try" some acro's..
if I had a very small tank and planning on feeding alot, I would go barebottom, otherwise nutrients will build up real fast. If you are planning on feeding alot with this tank, I would go barebottom and just keep siphoning out leftover food and detritus to keep your nutrients low. it's also easier to spot where detritus and food collect in barebottom and you can put a bunch of corals there to eat the extras that end up there.
I'll be spot feeding a lot of my chalices with Marin pellets and feeding some Azox and reef chili.. But I won't go feeding too heavy since I want to keep my tank parameters very pristine
Still kinda undecided but my tank would really look nice with a thin layer of sand lol