Proper introduction, Conchman


Premium member
Hello everyone, again new here, not to the hobby, obsession. First tank, f/w, circa I guess 1986ish. First saltwater 38 gallon about 6 months later. That became a 55 gallon fish only, kept a Yellow Tang, and a Voiltion Lion. Got out for many years, entered again 2013 with a 65 gallon mixed reef, DIY sump. I called it my Frankenstein tank. Worked well, just a lot of mixed parts. Current tank, IM Fusion 20, Ecotech G4 XR15 Pro connected WiFi, Tunze Auto Top Off and an MP10W QD. The stand is actually for a 60 cube and will be getting this going early next year. Will be parting out some of the current setup, adding the cube, Trigger sump and likely doser. Looking forward to continued learning and meeting new reefers...

Again, hello...
Nice, looks like your going at the new setup with some nice gear. looking forward to your updates on the build!
Welcome I'm a Frankenstein type reefer myself. New setup looks like it's going to be really nice. Good luck

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Thanks all, Trackfast, we may have already met. An early morning Portillos frag purchase ring a bell?