Question about my Randall's goby and pistol shrimp.

how so bro? i thnk the pistol should be fine.. unless u have it on a high setting ..

Go big or go home! But ya, it's fine unless you really crank that pump, then, watch out! Just for kicks I tried running a 40 in my 29g biocube before selling it, I don't suggest trying that one at home!
Yeah its easier for me to drop the coin and give it to her I get yelled at a lot less!!!! LOL. And this way maybe I can eventually get my 120g. :-)

I would not yell at you, sir! And as I recall, I didn't even ask for it! It's just a better fit in my tank.. Lol.

I love you. :wub:
I'd be willing to bet that poor pistol shrimp disagrees!

My "poor pistol shrimp" looks happy as a clam! He's just working on his burrow. I think the burrow is in a spot where it's not greatly effected by the MP10 - they're kind of underneath it. I see my GSP blowing around on the ground of the tank, but the tiny pistol shrimp seems pretty tough anyways.
My "poor pistol shrimp" looks happy as a clam! He's just working on his burrow. I think the burrow is in a spot where it's not greatly effected by the MP10 - they're kind of underneath it. I see my GSP blowing around on the ground of the tank, but the tiny pistol shrimp seems pretty tough anyways.

One of the features of the vortech pumps is the undertow it creates, pulling water across the bottom of the tank. I'm guessing the entrance of his burrow is perpendicular to the flow from the pump. He might be less pleased with a current flowing thru his burrow. Glad all is well and the pump is going to good use. So did you just give permission for a 120g build? ;-)
Go big or go home! But ya, it's fine unless you really crank that pump, then, watch out! Just for kicks I tried running a 40 in my 29g biocube before selling it, I don't suggest trying that one at home!

you should have posted a video of u putting the mp40 on full blast in ur
One of the features of the vortech pumps is the undertow it creates, pulling water across the bottom of the tank. I'm guessing the entrance of his burrow is perpendicular to the flow from the pump. He might be less pleased with a current flowing thru his burrow. Glad all is well and the pump is going to good use. So did you just give permission for a 120g build? ;-)

I have NO problem getting 120gal! WHEN we can afford it.. Lmfao. I want the 150gal cube to be honest with you.. Thought about taking money out of my trust to get it. Lmfao. I'd like to see if we commit to these tanks for a longer period of time though.. Because if I'm spending $900+ on the TANK ALONE - it better be worth it.

Not the greatest picture! But there they are. I guess my pistol is a candy stripe? Kind of wish he was orange and matched my goby. But, I really like it anyways.

look more like a red tiger shrimp? Maybe its just the pic, but candy striped pistols are more spotted rather than striped and have yellows and whites