So I re-arranged my sump and now have a little refugium area. For the light, should I have it run opposite of my primary lights? Or should they run for 24 hours?
So I re-arranged my sump and now have a little refugium area. For the light, should I have it run opposite of my primary lights? Or should they run for 24 hours?
So I re-arranged my sump and now have a little refugium area. For the light, should I have it run opposite of my primary lights? Or should they run for 24 hours?
Heard more good things with sand than w/out. Sticking with it for now.I made the mistake of adding sand and rock and only added problems. Leave bare with some cheato
I just got the CC fuge light so hopefully that I'll grow chaeto well.I switched to the reefbuilders fuge light and it made a huge difference in the growth of my cheato.