Rainbow BTA... Avg time to color back up?


New member
Hey guys,

I got a BTA in december from a local reefer who got it from colaadict. It was supposed to be a rainbow bta from austin aqua farms. Anyway, it was browned out from led's for some reason and I traded a small rbta i had for it. Well I'm just wondering how long does it take for a bta to color back up? I have it under optimum lighting (2x 250watt MH with 20K bulbs and 2x110watt VHO's) and it's in the middle of my tank.

It's been eating well and it's grown in size already, but i've not seen much improvement as far as color goes still. Tips are a little pink and that's about as good as it gets. It has only been about a month, maybe a little bit more.

To much light? Lower it down or on a ledge so it can retract if uncomfortable. If its not attached to anything huge that is..
I let the nem scoot around till it liked it's spot. It's under a ledge and retracts at night. During the light hours, it extends out into the light. So i don't think it's the lighting issue. I did ask AAF and they also kept them under radium 20k MH's
I've only had 1personal issue with a BTA never regaining it's ''claimed'' color,i gave it about 6months and decided it was just a plain rbta that was more of a brown tint than anything.Sometimes an anemone does excellent in one tank with great colors and completely transforms in another.
I'm surprised it hasn't colored back up yet under those VHO's. Worst case if you want to bring it over when you get back in town and give it some time under my t5 setup, all the nems in my tank look great, if that doesn't fix it, at least you tried.
Yea. I was hoping it was gonna be colored back or at least making progress. But them it only has been about a month. That's why I was wondering the avg time cuz I realize every tank and nem is gonna be different.
Give it a few more months,usually bta's color up quicker than any other anemone.Carpet anemones take the longest in my experience.
Any new updates on this? How is the BTA looking. Would love to see some pictures if you could.
Nah, it has only been about a week since I posted this. The bta is healthy, and eating and increasing in size. But hasn't changed to it's "claimed" colors yet. I can post a picture after i get home from work tonight... It's really not that great looking now except for the pinkish tips.

Are you feeding it foods soaked in any vitamins?

Nope, just fresh shrimp from the grocery store and mysis.
I'm not sure. Vitamins can become ineffective after a while. I keep mine in the refrigerator. Selcon is a mix of amino acids but are not the same as Vita-chem, which is why I use both.