RBTA help


Princess Trainer
I would like some advice on my RBTA. I moved the two of them to a bigger tank a little over a week ago. (Drip acclimation over about two hours). The two split and now I have four. Three of the four look great; they're puffed and eating. The fourth looks almost dead. It's alive and has moved location but doesn't seem to be eating. It still has color but it's shriveled. Do I just wait it out and hope it recovers or do I pull it out before it dies and "vomits"?
Is it still healing from the split? It hasn't been very long. Just give it some time and keep an eye on it. Maybe up your carbon filtration on the tank in the meantime for safe measure.
I'm hoping it's still healing. I've been running carbon since I moved everything into the bigger tank. I also do weekly PWCs (usually 10% but 20% last week).
Just leave it alone. I would be willing to bet that the #1 killer of BTAs in captivity is people flushing them too early.
They only thing I've been doing is squirting some mysis shrimp its way. Some of it sticks to the tentacles but I don't see it "eating". I do plan to wait it out and see what happens next.