RC Helicopter

Don't bother with blade products. They're cheap and don't fly well at all. You end up upgrading everything to get a halfway decent heli. I flew for years, but gave it up cuz i had to go to school.

my setup was a Futaba 9CHPS with the spektrum module, Bantam charger

My fleet:
trex 450se
Compass usa atom 500
thunder tiger mini titan
Thunder tiger raptor 90se
thunder tiger raptor e620se on 10s lipos
Century swift 16 on A123 batteries.
Guru-z belt driven frame with a Fixed pitch esky honeybee head
Helidirect HDX500
esky king v2
mx400 (what a mistake of a heli)

i loved my thunder tiger products. Don't support eflite. The only halfway decent LHS around here is Al's hobby shop in elmhurst. Don't bother with the hobbytown usa's. nice for picking up little things like nitro and little screws and whatnot. Here's a video of me flying, i wasn't all that good and was just getting into 3D flight... but crash costs were getting to high and college was nearing, so sold everything altogether. I did purchase a mini titan v2 recently, but thats only a bare kit right now.


Thanks Eric. Unfortunately I already brought the Blade but I'll keep that in mind for my next purchase
Thanks Eric. Unfortunately I already brought the Blade but I'll keep that in mind for my next purchase

Think of it as when we were all new and buying way overpriced items at the lfs like BTR in schaumburg, etc. It's a great hobby, but also drains money outta the wallet.
its cool to have toys like that just dont let anyone use it i had a remote control truck let a buddy drive it now i have to half remote control trucks
MHO-pound for pound Blade are the best beginner series around. All of the shops carry stock replacement gear and it does plenty to train you for the more expensive 400 and 500s. Granted there are tons that are better, but one crash on a "better" rig can cost more than 5 blade CPs and you save hours with it being ready to fly or bind and fly, and the spectrum transmitter they include is really not half bad these days. again, an extremely subjective matter, but there is plenty of fun and frustration in the Blade CP, and the Blade MCX is TONS of basement fun. I'm sure we can all agree they are a huge step over 3 or 2 channel "toys" at least.
i used to have the same blade you have the mcx2 mastered it but afterwards never really got into it much so i sold it after about a month
I remember when I first fired it up at 8am and getting a few shoes thrown at me for waking up the misses,hahaha.
MHO-pound for pound Blade are the best beginner series around. All of the shops carry stock replacement gear and it does plenty to train you for the more expensive 400 and 500s. Granted there are tons that are better, but one crash on a "better" rig can cost more than 5 blade CPs and you save hours with it being ready to fly or bind and fly, and the spectrum transmitter they include is really not half bad these days. again, an extremely subjective matter, but there is plenty of fun and frustration in the Blade CP, and the Blade MCX is TONS of basement fun. I'm sure we can all agree they are a huge step over 3 or 2 channel "toys" at least.

It is a subjective matter. I strongly disagree and here's why. yes parts are readily avaliable... but you're also paying premium prices for those if you go to the stores. Does waiting 4 days for an online order really make that huge of a deal? The parts quality of Eflight just doesn't compare to other brands like TT, or dare i say align. Look at prices of the LHS eflight parts versus parts for a TT or align, it's usually cheaper, if not it's like a dollar more. I'm talking 450 size to 450 sized. No comparison to the 500's or larger on crash repair bill.

The MCX is great fun, i agree. but when you get into the blade CP, those stupid tail motors are horrible and make flying 10x as hard. Also the new BNF birds are nice, yea, if you have a spektrum TX already. The dx5 on the RTF's are pretty minimal... Once you get into a bigger bird like a 450, there's no point in having that and you end up upgrading to something like a dx7 or better. Why spend the extra money when you can start with good bird and setup, instead of buying the blade, then realizing it stinks, then spending more money on a better setup.

Also, with a well setup heli, it's just that much easier to fly. with how incredibly twitchy the blade CP is and how hard the tail is to control, it's extremely hard to learn on. When you have a better setup with a nice gyro, tail holds steady. That makes learning much easier.

I'm not trying to be an *** or anything. but trying to not get people suckered into buying those things when the same amount of money can be spent on something better.
Broke the center hub off the flybar paddle today.:banghead:

Time to get simulator before proceeding with anymore flying. This thing is a beast compared to the coaxial helis. Any recommendations on websites for parts/sim?

DJE :music:
My wife got me one of the $40 ones for christmas and about 5 min into terrorizing my 2 dogs christmas morning I crashed landed into a 5 gallon bucket of ro water. She wasn't to happy with me. LOL! I put it in a bag of rice for 2 days and it works perfect.
Broke the center hub off the flybar paddle today.:banghead:

Time to get simulator before proceeding with anymore flying. This thing is a beast compared to the coaxial helis. Any recommendations on websites for parts/sim?

DJE :music:

I've always used Realfight. I'm still on Realfight G3.5... lol I think it's up to like G6 right now or something. They're pretty graphics intensive, so make sure your computer is up to spec ;)

Also, phenoix is a great choice for a sim, but you need to have your own TX with an output in the back for it.

but keep at it! I know this sounds counter intuivitve, but fly higher off the ground if you aren't already. the rotor wash from the helis make turbulant wind bouncing back to the bird and will be harder to fly in that wash. Get like 4 feet off the ground.

Some good sites are:
helihobby.com(overseas tho, good shipping times nontheless)

And if u haven't found these forums yet.

helifreak and runryder is kinda like here and RC tho, so beware, hehe

Someone gave me protocol gyro predator couple of weeks ago but I have not played with it yet. Is it any good?