Move those 2 corals down may help...
Move those 2 corals down may help...
I already told him to do that, he wasn't having it.
His PO4 is now 0.03, why need GFO? Feed more but not take more PO4 out..don't you think?
Your first post said 0.03..Dammit
Lol i havent tested nitrates or phos in yrs think jesus gave me my test kits for those. I cant tell u my light cycle is 10am to 9pm blue channel (i swapped in few whites so its not 100 percent blue ) 12pm to 5pm both channels 100 percent cal 420 alk 10.5 i use brs 2part and dose 3ml day kent tech mag 2 ml day acro power . I had similar issues with few corals loseing colors and just moved lower colored back up in few weeks. From my experiance if they all not looking crappy just few most likely dont like the light its in . I had one in 700 par moved to 500 and colors were back and better then ever some had to be koved to 300 range . Playing with light cycle might help those two corals but may make the onea doing good look bad so its hit or missthats what im trying to achieve by lowering the white light time. mine being a small tank i cant really move the coralssucks having a nano i think. so light and flow are the only things i can play with.
Also it would really help if sps pros post their Nitrate levelsis 0.75 -1 ppm too much ?
Lol i havent tested nitrates or phos in yrs think jesus gave me my test kits for those.