Reef-A-Palooza Chicago Oct 19-20th Schaumburg,IL


Reef-A-Palooza Chicago

DATE: October 19-20, 2019
VENUE: Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel

1551 Thoreau Dr N, Schaumburg, IL 60173

Come and celebrate with us the inaugural year of Reef-A-Palooza Chicago. Reef-A-Palooza Chicago will be in the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel in Schaumburg, Illinois on October 19-20, 2019. Chicago joins the line up with our other Reef-A-Palooza shows located in California, Orlando and New York.

Immerse yourself with the latest products and hottest corals on the showroom floor and then head out to experience Chicago. Choose between all of Chicago’s top restaurants, nightlife spots, shopping districts, sporting events, museums and performing arts.

Reef-A-Palooza can best be described as an indoor marketplace where sellers, exhibitors, and hobbyists of all types can buy, sell, trade, showcase their products to the marine hobbyist community.
This should be a great event.

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Nope but always watch videos and wish I did. I got my ticket in July so I'm more than ready. I already have 4 corals waiting for pickup and will probably find a few more.
I've always loved the paintings by ReefWeeds so it will be nice to see them in person. My even get something to hang by the tank, well see.
So what did everyone get today? There were lost of nice frags everywhere. I got a Homewrecker, TSA Bali Blue Slimer, TSA Firestorm, TSA Starscream, TSA Haymaker, a Raja Rampage and a refresh of clean up crew. Also some new Hanna checkers and reagents.


Wow, that’s quite the haul, sounds awesome. Was RP super crowded like the last reef event?
Wow, that’s quite the haul, sounds awesome. Was RP super crowded like the last reef event?
I had early entry so I as able to take my time to shop and talk to the vendors. Definitely the way to go. It did get crowded after it opened up but a great show.
I didn't buy much, but mainly because I'm upgrading to my new tank soon. I did get a nice Diamond-Tail Flasher Wrasse and a Hybrid Powder-Brown Tang though.