Reef Imports and Hatchery, Co Event!!! (04/20/13)

Hmmmm really? Will the sale prices and raffle be available to non-members too then?

I was thinking about going but read that it was only CMAS members.
Nope!! For that you will have to show you are a CMAS member..

But hope I'm right :rolleyes:

Haha, you're nuts...but yeah, I'd imagine the only way to get the pricing is to be a CMAS member since it's a CMAS event. You should be able to sign up there like at other CMAS events, it just do the membership online and printer the confirmation. Wish I could go...
Mai was the life of the party! My sticky note name-tag didn't get me access to the cool kids circle, though. :(

Joe, were you the one looking for the Dendros? I was the one who pointed out the black sun coral. ;)