Reeflink or Craplink?


Premium member
I got i nightmare with my craplink , i was happy to set up my new Radion but when tried to set up my craplink was hard to do it nothing-works, update firmware, reset from factory reset SD through ethernet cable , wireless finally i did it but just for couple of hrs and still
Offline , emailed ecotech custumer service i got works again and suddenly stop working , returned and got another one brad new and same issues , so you paid $100.00 for a crap ? Ecotech please check your hardware of softwares both all over the internet is this complaint unfortunately there is not other option well if you have Apex yes but , very disappointed

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Must be a "what day were they made" issue. I heard the stories, setup mine with 15pro, then issues...
Even thinking to change my 4 months old Motorola modem/router

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