Return Pump Replacement Suggestions


Looking to replace my Mag Drive 7 return pump in my 40g breeder set up. It seems to be loosing its power, I've got it at full blast and its not moving the water like it used too. Its been several years since I've had to buy a new pump and there are a ton more options than before. Anybody have any suggestions on what a good replacement is? The Mag 7 Will be kept as a back up in the event a new unit somehow fails.

40g Breeder, Mainly Softies tank. Small fug in the sump area.
I been using Sicce pumps for about 7 years with great results, they are pretty silent as well.

Sicce Syncra Silent 3.0 (714 GPH)
I absolutely love my Vectra; it's dead silent and it comes apart easily. I've broken my fair share of return pumps trying to pry off the face plate, and it's just not something I need to worry about with Ecotech's design.