It had to be you right

You apex lover.... Go away!!!

Am I going to need to seperate you two?! haha.
Yes, the text alerts would be a really cool feature, but w/ 2 of my buddies living with me there's basically somone home almost all the time. And yes, the alarm would piss them off enough to get off their butt & call me to tell me the displayed alert.
IDK still for some reason leaning towards a Reef Keeper over APEX for what I want it to do now and in the future. Yes, APEX has a ton of reason cool additional features, but I think I can live w/o them for the additional $100-$200 that I could put towrads livestock.
Thinking about stepping it up one level to the REEFKEEPER LITE
ReefKeeper Lite Plus Features:
•Head Unit
•2 PC4 power bars (8 total outlets)
•Digital Aquatics Temperature probe
•ReefKeeper SL1 pH and ORP Module(Inputs: pH, ORP, Temperature, and 2x Switch Ports)
Gives me an addtional powe bar, this way everything for my system can run through it vs running through crappy power strips or having to pay for a nice bar. Also gives me a SL1 and pH probe. I would like to get some lunar moon lights - these would connect nicely to the RKL+ as well as adding a ATO/Float Switch.
Of course, Dre you could come over and help me program it.
Jay, If I am out of town and have an alarm go off you could come over and fix my tank's issue.