Rodi System which one ?


Premium member
Hi i want to buy my first Rodi system , its for my 20 gl aquarium but it is to hard to choose from there is a lot out there, so i got some in mind, any advice will be appreciated thanks

The Barracuda offers the following features: Now Featuring High flow high rejection TFC membrane High efficiency 1-micron sediment pre-filter 2-micron chlorine guzzler carbon block pre-filter or our exclusive chlorine and chloramine-removal filters Now Featuring High flow high rejection Nano Technology DOW membrane High-efficiency color-changing DI cartridge 160 PSI pressure gauge marked with operating and unsafe ranges Optional In-Line TDS meter (click here for more information) Solid Aluminum "no-rust" metal mounting bracket Clear 10" filter cartridge housings. All systems include quick connect fittings, a shut off valve, a filter wrench for easy cartridge replacement and your choice of a feed adaptor.

This Koolermax RO system will purify your tap water into clean ultra pure water for Aquarium. 1 output, We have been making RO systems in California USA for 18 years. Our systems are reliable and guaranty to perform. 6-stage 80 to 120 gallons per day depending on water pressure. 1 year warranty. The system come complete with all filters and membrane, pressure gauge, tubing, installation hardware, Free tech support. * 1st stage 5 micron sediment filter removes rust, sand, dirt, sediment from water * 2nd stage coconut shell activated carbon block filter removes chlorine, chloramines, odor * 3rd stage same as 2nd stage to ensure 100% removal rate of chlorine * 4th stage 120GPD reverse osmosis membrane removes up to 98% of contaminants and dissolved minerals * 5th and 6th stage DI filter to further purify and reduce the minerals for aquarium or other applications. Dimension

The Typhoon Reefkeeping R.O./D.I.5 stage with ASOV Easy to use push-in fittings make installation a snap.The original long term chloramines destroyer, six years and thousands of Reefkeepers later and still no reports of problems. We offer you a complete one frame system which has all the chloramines protection you will ever need. The original Typhoon and Typhoon III are both equipped with ASOV for automatic top off. We introduced the ASOV to Reefkeeping almost six years ago.The Typhoon unit comes pre-assembled with filters and membrane installed. Your unit is pressure tested with 60 psi water, the filters and membrane are installed the day we ship. You only need to make the three plumbing connections and you are done. Just connect and enjoy zero TDS water, zip, -0-, none, nada. No TDS.New! Now our machines are equipped with re-usable D.I. cartridges. The Typhoon is a 5 stage R.O./D.I. (Reverse Osmosis/De-Ionizing) Reefkeeper supplied with a 75 GPD (Gallon Per Day) FilmTec (TFC) membrane for truly great water quality and production rates.The Typhoon uses five stages of filtration and purification. Most city water now contains chlormaines, which is simply too much for one carbon filter four stage system to handle. Totally automated water making can be yours. Just order the optional float valve. Once you mount the float valve in your storage tank, the ASOV and the float valve work together to control all of your water making automatically. Left photo is the optional float valve. Right is the standard ASOV valve.This unit can be used on city or well supply water. All filters are standard size.Stage 1 - Heavy duty, standard industry size 10 micron Poly Pro Sediment filter.Stage 2 - 5 micron acid washed* Gem coconut carbon block filter, removing 98-99% of chlorine.Stage 3 - 1 micron acid washed* Gem coconut carbon block filter, that removes the remaining chemicals and chlorine. Stage 4 - 75 GPD FilmTec membrana

Features: Ultra-high purity water at an economical price; water purification systems maximizing pure water production through application of the laboratory grade deionization resins used in our specialty deionization cartridges High-silicate removal membrane High-efficiency MicroTec 1 micron Sediment Pre-Filter High-capacity 1 micron Carbon Block Pre-Filter (20000 ppm-gallons chlorine removal) SilicaBuster Color-Change DI Cartridge Pressure Gauge Clear filter housings Filter wrench and garden hose adapter Dimensions" 15" x 7" x 16" SpectraPure MaxPure MPDI Systems incorporate high-flow high-rejection TFC membranes, a 1 micron sediment filter, a 1 micron carbon block filter, and a custom formulated 10" color-change DI cartridge. MPDI systems are available from 25 to 180 GPD (95 to 680 LPD) production rate, and come with a 3/4" garden hose adapter. The pressure gauge allows for better visibility of system performance and indication of plugged pre-filters. Notes: A flush valve can significantly enhance the life of TFC membrane by flushing out any harmful impurity from the membrane. The MPDI - 180 System comes with two 90 GPD membranes.

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I have the Spectra pure (just the 180 GPD) and have had great results, same with the Typhoon I had just didn't survive the move. I'd say the spectra pure would be the way to go because I've had great luck with their replacement parts.

If you do the Spectra pure I'd recommend getting another empty cartridge and running a 2nd DI.
Thanks Spectrapure its my first option and adding another filter its better

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