Rosko's 28x28x14 rimless shallow cube build

That is a beautiful tank. Any Idea on rock layout? An atol of some sort would look killer. Maybe with a sand dwelling fish of some sort. Shallow tanks are the bomb.
thanks. yeah haven't thought too much as to what I'm gonna do with it... Atol???

pearly jawfish is option..
Almost done with stand!


Will finish Sunday... **** work always getting in way
Finally.... I've been super busy and finally got someone over to help me pick this bad boy up and put it on the stand.

Still need to shim stand to level and plumb... But it's a start... Here's rough pic. Will try and get better pics later.
Dude, that looks amazingly awesome!!! And it isn't even filled up yet. :)

thanks, I am hoping to get some shims today after work to level stand, stopping by eric's, then crooks, then coming home and acclimating my new clowns and bta.... I'll post some better pics today... then i need to finish the trim and doors on this and frag tank...

hoping to have it wet by tomorrow.

oh and if you like this one, wait till you see the full size version of this... hoping to get stand end of week or early next week... =)
Beautiful Jorge. I hope to browse your selection sipping a mimosa some day (that's what they do at my wife's fancy shops anyway).

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And don't mind the mess under frag tank.. It's getting an overhaul this week. Once I plumb the cube.. And getting custom ato container built..
Thanks... Would be done today if I didnt come to watch the batman trilogy at IMAX! Plus Eric and I picked up some super hot stock... Make sure u guys like us ok FB and sign up for newsletter... All on sponsor section under WindyCityReefs.. Stocking up for grand opening!!!
Wow, I thought about doing that 7 hour marathon of batman movies tonight, but I'm having babysitter issues. Have fun.
I'm gonna have to hit you up sometime if I ever decide to have a custom built stand :)
Are ou going to have the main frag tank for windy city reefs or are or do you guys just have two equal sized tanks?

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