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Looks like the counter at Tiffany
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Looks like the counter at Tiffany
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Wow! That looks amazing! I wish I had skills like that!
Lol that's the funniest thing I've heard anyone say!!! Lol I have noooo skills whatsoever...
Is there a BS button? That is looking great Jorge. Your sump puts a lot of questions to bed for me. Thanks for sharing the progress.
WOW great build! Waiting to see the finished product!
Looks great! Very nice job on the stand, I wouldn't believe it wasn't a custom purchase without the pics to prove it. Definitely a top-notch frag tank setup. I think your skimmer alone cost more than the entire 20L frag tank I threw together, lol!
Did you have Anthony build the sump that way with the return in the center, or is that something he's doing now?
Thanks, yeah Anthony built it like that. He built my other one for my display tank I'm getting like that as well. He said he likes building like that bc when refuge is in middle the water just passes over it bc the water is coming in from the drain so fast. So this way, I can tee it off and have a slow drip into the refug.
And I just ordered something, well things for my display tank I'll b getting next week I hope...
Not greatest pic, but I haven received them yet... Now I got these and my 2 helfrichi... Lol but no tank for them. My helfrichi will go in my 16 today.. They've been in qt for 3 weeks.
Nice,you beat me to it.I was going to get those too.Make sure you keep them in cooler temp. like 70-72 degrees if you want them to do well for you. Nice pick up again.Keep us posted.
SWEET! Those are definitely gonna add a nice flash of color and movement.
It's a great choice separating the fuge like that if you don't have room for a dedicated refugium tank. You will really like the arrangement. It also makes a great low stress recovery area for an injured or bullied fish in an emergency.
Thanks.. I know they are deep water fish and like cooler water, but my ? Is, will I ever be able to acclimate them to a little warmer temp? Like 74-76 so I can keep with other fish/coral? Or would I be better off having them in a tank of there own? It would be a shame to not have them in my display tank which will b around 76.. But I will have a 2nd as well that's also being built.
There is a thread on RC regarding those fish.Copps ( expert fish keeper) keeps those in high 60-s low 70-s.There is another guy who keeps them in 74-75 range.I got the same dilemma ,my tank is about 76 degrees and still deciding if I can keep those.I was browsing PIA lest night they were still there.