Sad day for me,all my angelfish died.


Active member
So this morning i wake up to all my angelfish dead,i mean all angels,i checked every parameter and nothing is off.

My scribbled looks healthy as can be yet it's dead,potters pair-dead,pygmy-dead,regal-dead.

All other fish are fine,moorish was picking on the dead fish,anyone have any ideas of what in the Heck is going on?

I'm left with 9 fish in the 320.
omg was a water change or anything done prior this happened once with me with a fresh water tank but that is so crappy im sorry any stray voltage weird that only angels but a thought
terrible, sorry Gus, what was the last fish you added? possibly an Angel that carried something that only effects angels? I actually had that happen with a hepatus tang, I introduced him and then one day my powder blue and my first juve orange shoulder all died, somehow my red sea sailfin survived...maybe a parasite or a bug? hard to say if all water params are in check and the non-angels are fine.
Ok, so checking the calendar, its definitely not April 1st...

REALLY REALLY sorry to hear of your losses. Devastating is an understatement.

I really hope you can figure out what went wrong.
Sorry to hear Gus.All your fish looked super healthy last time I saw your tank.I is weird that only Angels are dead tough.
Whoa! What? Just the angels? And all so sudden? Very strange. I'm sorry, that sucks. How many we're there?
WOW!! Sorry Gus. I was just there a couple weeks ago and all the Angels were healthy so that is strange.
No new additions,no water changes,nothing.I have done a laundrylist of checks and everything is normal.Here's what i lost:

scribbled angel
potters pair
cherub pigmy
regal angel

all ate last night and were ok.I don;t know wether to cancel my order for tuesday instead of risking further casualties.It stinks losing $500 woth of beautiful fish literally overnight.
This is just so strange. Do you know a fish expert you can email or call to find out what could of happened?
Sorry to hear, you have just had terrible luck over the last year with these major losses. Hopefully 2012 will be your year!