Sad day for me,all my angelfish died.

Get in touch with ashtree68. He volunteers at the shedd and could probably get you in touch with someone.
So sorry to hear this Gus! I've never heard of anything like this before. We will help you restock if you would like us to help you find replacements.
So sorry to hear this Gus! I've never heard of anything like this before. We will help you restock if you would like us to help you find replacements.
Thanks blake,but it will be awhile before i invest in the tank again :(
Thanks for the PM's guys,i've had some of you offer me some great deals on fish and i really appreciate it.Like i said i'm not looking to replace them all at once,since it's the holidays i'm going to wait a bit and buy other things i need more than fish,but if there is and extremely good deal then i will def consider it.I am taking down my QT tank and will try to set it up at work,so i also will be w/o a QT tank for a bit,i am donating all the corals that were in there to guys on here that could use them.

Thanks again guys.
You can always take this as a glass half full situation. Now if you really want to get those bamboo sharks the eye picking angels wont be around to bother/blind them.
After looking and looking i find nothing,so i think i'll try something crazy,like a Pinnatus Batfish and a school of Moorish Idols.
The Hasselt's bamboo's are out of stock,i did order the moorish idols but was also waiting for a new shipment of tank bred fish mike@nyaquatic will get tomorrow.He emailed me the list and it includes Pinnatus Batfish,so that's what i'll go with aside from the idols.Should have updates later this week :) .
Good luck!

Tank with a school of Moorish on Reef Builders today. They seem pretty happy in that 3700g tank:
