Salifert ALK check solution??


For those of you who have/had used salifert alk testing, what the heck is the check solution for?
The directions are a little grey with this. Let me know if I'm right/wrong with this guess.

The check solution is marked 6.7dkh. i tested the solution and it turned out to be 8dkh.
That means it was off by 1.3dkh(I'm a math major)

My water reads 10.5-11dkh, however does this mean that it is actually 9.2-9.7dkh?

Basically, am i suppose to subtract/add however much the solution is off?
Im no math major, but that's quite a bit off?. It might be time for a new test kit. My test solution has always been fairly close to the indicated amount. If it says 6.7, I might get 6.9 or so. Are you sure your using 4ml of test solution? I've made that mistake with the 5ml syringe. Otherwise it might be time for a new kit. HTH.
Im no math major, but that's quite a bit off��. It might be time for a new test kit. My test solution has always been fairly close to the indicated amount. If it says 6.7, I might get 6.9 or so. Are you sure your using 4ml of test solution? I've made that mistake with the 5ml syringe. Otherwise it might be time for a new kit. HTH.

I just bought this kit brand new about 2 weeks ago. I am sure i used 4ml of solution. I am going home on my lunch and will test again and will post results.
Yup just did another test with the solution and the So-Called "6.7dkh" turned out to be 8.2

Tested my water again and is still at "11dkh"

Anyone else ever have this issue with salifert? i made sure it was 4ml and 4 drops of tint solution.
I use the check solution a lot and I have 2 salifert alk kits because I do aquarium maintainance ans I test every customers water and my alk check is always dead on.. are u shaking the squeeze bottle and shaking the other solution before u test? And make sure you pull out a full ml.. the bottom of the stopper should be almost past the 1ml mark.
I'm only on my 2nd box of Salifert Alk but both of them have been dead-on when I tested using the 6.7 solution. Find Habib on RC. He's their CEO and will likely respond if you send him a pm. ;)
Also, if you happen to be in the area. I could give you the 6.7 solution from my box so you could at least rule out if the issue lies with your 6.7 sample or if it's something else....?
Thanks for the help everyone but i found out my problem. Apparently your suppose to read the directions more clearly. lol. I was used to counting "drops" not the amount left in the syringe. Checked the solution again doing it the right way and it was dead on. Im an idiot.