saltwater beginner 10 gallon


I believe the tank is doing pretty good so far. A ton of Brown looking algae. I do see some spots os purlple starting to grow on some of the rocks.

Maybe soon I can add come corals. :)

I have been really busy trying to piece together my 40gal breeder tank. So far so good. Just bought a CPR 194 wet dry with skimmer, and bought a radion xr30 from these forums but seems like the fan is dead and I need to get a replacement one. Which is a bummer. Tomorrow I will be picking up 700 gallon internal overflow kit from these forums as well. This hobby is very expensive. Don't know if ill even have money to buy anything that goes in the tank at the rate I'm going hahah.
Def a good read. But it is just 1 persons views.

I know he tried to make it as general as possible and point out options. But I think you can still set up a decent budget tank for closer to the $30/gallon range. $50-60 seems high. Also not the AIO tanks he mentioned do not include sand, rock, etc either.

Sorry for the hack. That 10gallon rock work is amazing. Looks WAY bigger. Kinda makes me want to build a nano.
alright so the brown algae started to die down, i cleaned the front of the glass and sides, and you cannot even see algae on the rocks anymore. I added some pom pom Xenia that i got from these forms thanks to trackfast, he was generous enough to give it to me for free, very nice guy. I had a couple of questions, do i need moonlights for these Xenia? do they always need lights even at night? i woke up the other night and the light was off and saw the Xenia falling over.

Also posting up some pictures of my new equipment I am preparing for my 40B setup.
radion xr30
CPR 194 wet/dry with protein skimmer 700gph internal overflow box - got this from these forums from Jwblocal701 also a very nice guy.

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It's do-able!!! Just test your water weekly and break up dosing to a daily schedule instead of a weekly schedule (calcium especially). We started out with this ten gallon nano reef almost 3 years ago now and it's been nothing but stable for us (knock on wood). I think it's totally do-able as long as you keep a close eye on water evaporation and do weekly water tests and adjust as needed.