Schooling fish ????


I've been in the hobby for about 2 years now. Started with a 14 gl nano, upgraded to a 29, and have finally settle in with a 75 gl reef set-up

So I've pretty much got my tank set up fish-wise but I'd like to add one more species. It currently houses a pair of Picasso clowns, a small Blue (Hippo) Tang (yea I know it will eventually get too big but it came with the tank), a Hoevens Wrasse, a Yellow-Tailed Blue Damsel, a lawnmower Blenny, a bi-colored Blenny, a Gobie (can't recall type), and a Royal Gramma. Everyone gets along and there doesn't seem to be any territorial issues.

I also have a BTA and a LTA, a long spine urchin and 2 halloween urchins. There is the standard cleaning crew of hermits, snails, and emerald crabs.

My thoughts are either to add a few small "schooling" fish - Pajama Cardinals or Anthiias OR a couple of small colorful Wrasses.

Any suggestions or thoughts from the membership???
I am going to say chromis, EVEN THOUGH many people will try to dissuade you.
Pros: hardy, very easy to care for, busy-active, cheap.
Cons: dominant chromis will bully others, gets bullied by all similarly sized fish.

They are so much fun though, and provided me much enjoyment when I had my 75.
Chromis are fun, I have them. To be fair though unless yubhve a massive gargantuan tank there are no real "schooling fish" every fish in the group will eventually spread to their own section unless they get startled in which case they'll group again.
Reefwise (somewhat regularly) brings in the (less aggressive) "Guam Chromis". Very pretty (and affordable) fish. They may not "school" but they don't stray far from each other at all.
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Although many struggle to keep lyretail anthias, they are beautiful and add significant "action" to a tank, in that their swimming patterns seem to instigate activity with all the other fish in the tank.
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I too have the same dilemma, chromis or anthias. I love chromis for some reason(haha) but the colors on the anthias is hard to look away. Let us know what you decide on.

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I have had numerous schools of chromis and I always end up with one they begin pick off one another
Well...based on the advice given here....I've purchased 3 Green Chromis. They're in my QT tank for now. Once I introduce them to my community tank, I'll post pictures of the tank. Thanks to everyone for their replies.
If I would have gone with the chromis I would have gotten 6. I think over the yrs ive read/heard that they have a higher survival rate when u have 6 or more. Having 3 doesn't sound or look like a school of fish. Then again we dont know how many other fish your gonna add to your bio load. Just a reminder add ALL of chromis together at the same time.

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Based on what I have in the tank already and the bioload, I thought adding more than 3 might be pushing it. I might get away with 4, but 6 is probably too many. Thanks all the same for the suggestion. I've got 3 in my QT and could realistically get one more from the same LFS on Monday and add it to the 3 in the QT since they were all together in the tank at the LFS. We'll see....
I've tried several different schooling fish: green chromis, Banggai cardinals and longfin cardinals. I always bought five but in each case, they kill off all but 2. So cut to the chase and just get 2.
I've tried several different schooling fish: green chromis, Banggai cardinals and longfin cardinals. I always bought five but in each case, they kill off all but 2. So cut to the chase and just get 2.

Larger tanks (180 gallon plus) will give you better odds.
Chromis are hardy but not the smartest fish. They get stuck in a rock, picked on, jump out, get stuck in filters etc. defiantly a great addition but their hit or miss and will usually need replacing eventually. Anthias can be aggressive in smaller tanks if there's no one else to keep them in check but their real nice to pretty and worth a try.