Seahorse Tank


New member
Hello all-

Does anyone have a seahorse tank?

I was looking into changing my nanocube into a seahorse. I want to make sure they have the best care and environment possible in captivity.....

Does anyone know of any " Must Read: Books,Articles,Forums.....ect....."?

If you have a seahorse tank any suggestions and tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated

Thank you.

There is a lady on joliet area reef club she seams to be the seahorse man/women when it comes to these sweet creatures.
just look up j.a.r.c and seahorses
Matt gets them at sho tank sometimes, and that is everything I know about seahorses (oh, and the males carry the fertilized eggs)

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In my experience though the nanotubes overflow has to be covered with a sponge filter or some type of fine net to prevent them from getting sucked in. otherwise they get sucked in through there and die unfortunately I know this from experience it's excatly what happened to mine When I tried this about a year ago.
Does anyone know of anyone local that keeps and/or breed seahorses????

I just found out PEKA from JARC no longer breeds them.

I say bro.. He breeds his own dwarf seahorses and they are cheap $10.. Plus he offers some live food for the seahorses..
Seahorse Update

I found one lady in Lake in the hills but she is getting out of the breeding. I just sent a PM to saylorsreef so we shall see.....I am determined to keep them eventually. I was going to do dwarfs but they only eat live food and only live a my search continues. I did find www, great site for research and for buing seahorses. If someone wants to do a group buy to split the shipping PM me and maybe we can figure out something.
I was just about to suggest those two sites...and one of them offer an online course. The dwarfs are the more difficult ones to keep, so good job eliminating them from your list. The h. erectus are the more hardier ones and beginner horses to first try out.
I replied to your PM. I haven't kept seahorse fry in quite a while. I used to give PEKA most of my newborns, so if she doesn't have any, check with Blake. I sent him a pregnant male once that had a few babies on the Fed-Ex truck, then exploded with more babies shortly after he got them in the tank. If I remember correctly, his has had at least one more pregnancy, but not sure if he is still doing seahorses. If Blake doesn't have any, check for someone. If you're willing to pay shipping fees....seahorsesource offers high quality captive bred, and their customer service is second to no one!
Oh, and if you need any help with seahorse tanks, just shoot me a PM. I have a couple of very busy weeks coming up and I probably won't be able to read most of the threads here.
Matt has two or three on his counter right now. (Sho) cool little tank too

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Not yet.....PEKA in Lake in the Hills has H. Reidi growing.....She thinks they will be ready in a few months or so.....I am willing to wait but now I am getting really know?
Matt has two or three on his counter right now. (Sho) cool little tank too

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Matt from Sho-Tank in Mundelein? Do you know if he was selling them? Do you know what he was asking for them by any chance?
