Second Reef Build


New member
Thought I would share my progress on my Biocube 29G HQI build. I'm taking it pretty slow, due to work but also to do it right. Purchased the cube about two weeks ago. Last weekend I added about two inches of live sand and 10lbs of live rock just to start the cycle. This weekend I'm picking up an additional 20lbs of live rock from a friend that has decided to break down his system to go back to FW.

I'm not sure I like the skimmer that comes with the biocube, I guess you get what you pay for so that may change. I did buy a refugium light online that I'll add this weekend too with some macroalgae and LR. The moonlight was a simple $8 four blue LED light I picked up and was able to hide under the hood. Nice cheap mod :)

One of the pictures is only a few hours after putting in sand and water so it is still cloudy, but now it is clear.

Couple of questions I have are:

1. Not sure I like the blue tint of the 150W 14K MH bulb that came with the unit. I thought 14K had a fair amount of blue in it, but I'm no expert. With that said after some research it seems folks recommend the Phoenix 14K 150W MH. Anyone use it and is it far better than the one that came with. The only con I saw is some folks say that it is not UV protected, thoughts? It does seem dumb to buy a new lamp after only a few days (don't tell my wife). :)

2. Any with the Biocube HQI, do you leave the glass top on. Heat isn't an issue, tank is staying pretty much at 80 +/- 1 and the heater keeps it there at night.

Thanks in advance. Sorry for the bad pictures just took them with my cell for now. Still have a lot of LR to add and scape so will send more pictures next week after the pickup.

I love the single beam moon shot photo.

For the bulb, 150w radium is the best bulb for color and PAR. No one uses stock bulbs as their color and PAR is usually crappy. The pheinox is a good second choice.

I would remove the glass top and make a clear mesh top. It'll keep the jumpers in but allow heat and oxygen exchange.

Thanks Eric, left the top off and it was a huge difference in temperature. I'll look into the mesh top. I'll take a look at the lamp you suggested.

Hi Folks,

Update on my office Biocube. I received some additional LR from my best friend who is downsizing his tank. I'm new to aquascaping, but I tried to have a balanced look with some caves on each side for critters to hide and swim through. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

He also had some small leather coral frags that he gave me, they seem to be happy so far in the tank. I added Chaeto and LR to the built-in refugium.

I think the protein skimmer finally broke in because I'm getting a little bit of crud in the top now so it seems to be working ok.

We also added two small Electric Blue Damsels. They have been very active and like to swin in the caves and holes in rocks. I'm not planning on having a lot of fish, but of course my twin girls want a Nemo (LOL).

I added four blue-legged hermit crabs, just to start. I'll be ordering a larger CUC today. Seems most folks like ReefCleaners, so I think I'll order from there unless I hear otherwise.

I've been testing water everyday and everything is right on after the small cycle I had a week ago.

Feedback welcome as I'm still new to this again, but loving it. Thanks again for the forum, it is very educational. I know it takes a lot of time for folks to come here and contribute their lessons learned and post pictures, but it really helps the new folks and also helps us be responsbile.

Hey Don,
nice rock work! One suggestion is to make sure you have enough room on the sides to clean the glass
Lookin' good! Great work with the rock. You might want to get rid of that caulerpa before it starts to take over though.
Update to my little reef

Thought I would post some pictures of the tank; had a great time with it so far, and it's only been a month. Needless to say, we are now looking for a display tank for our family room with a Cherry canopy and stand because everyone is tired of going to my office see dad's "reef". :)

Based on feedback on this forum, I've removed all LR ruble in the refugium and only have purigen, chemi-pure and chateo in there using a JBJ light for nanos. We have added some rico mushrooms and created a mini-garden of them and of course Zoas. Also starting to see some of my base rock turning blueish purple :). All tests are within reef parameters, except calcium. Slowing using C-Balance to bring that inline, although I do not plan on adding any SPS corals anytime soon, I want to bring it inline and ensure it is stable for a while. I look forward to adding a clam or anenome in six months if everything stays stable.

Still keeping the bioload small, with only one electric blue damsel (been with us since the begining) and added two ocellaris clowns (per my twin daughters request).

I've also ordered a radium 20K bulb based on Eric's recommendation; unfortunately it was backordered with PA for about two weeks so looking forward to seeing the tank under a good lamp, instead of stock lamp.

Any feedback welcome, I did move the rocks so I have more room to clean the glass as suggested, but also found a slim nano cleaner that works well too.

Next on my Christmas list (besides the family room tank) is to get a VorTech MP10. Those are very cool.

Thank you again for everyone's help on the board; it makes this hobby fun and helps you not "test" on live animals.
Hi folks, just posting updated pictures of our smaller 29G biocube HQI. It has been running for about four months. Only had one issue when I learned about evaporation and salinty levels, LOL.

I think we are done adding anything to the tank and just want it to grow out now. Sorry for crappy pictures I took them with my Samsung Focus phone.

Thanks again for everyones help and feedback.
