Shark Tank

Someone with such little experience and such little knowledge should not be purchasing any of these animals. Many of these animals you seek should only be housed by experts or public aquaria. As previously stated by others, you are just trying to seek validation to do what you want regardless of whats best for the animals. The majority of people in this hobby will ignore the thousand people advising against it, if they find one uneducated person that OKs it. You need to do a LOT more research. Sorry to be a bit harsh, but these are living animals and you are simply not ready to care for them.

As the saying goes: "If you have to ask...."
Someone with such little experience and such little knowledge should not be purchasing any of these animals. Many of these animals you seek should only be housed by experts or public aquaria. As previously stated by others, you are just trying to seek validation to do what you want regardless of whats best for the animals. The majority of people in this hobby will ignore the thousand people advising against it, if they find one uneducated person that OKs it. You need to do a LOT more research. Sorry to be a bit harsh, but these are living animals and you are simply not ready to care for them.

As the saying goes: "If you have to ask...."
Just because someone is new to Chicago Reefs does not mean they are new to keeping aquariums.

I planned on adding two or three of those fish plus a shark in a 300 gallon, which is 100% doable, with perfect happiness of the fish, for someone who has been keeping fish for years.

I am not a shark expert, and I wanted someone's opinion about possible tankmates, so I listed many options to see which ones would be best.

I do truly appreciate many of you coming here to continuously tell me every word I've posted is wrong.

To the few who actually answered my original question, thank you
just my 2 cents.... a 300 gallon is way to small for any shark,to do it right you would need a minimum of 1000 gallons with rounded corners and i still think a 1000 is cruel!!!!!!!