Sho Tank Meet Up Poll

Which date works best for you?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Lol, I don't know how you'll recognize me, I'll probably have on a red Oakley hat! We should wear name tags , I've been to a couple meets and didn't realize who people were until after the fact. DD had a good idea of us wearing our Chicago reefs tshirt but I don't own one :( maybe I'll just make one! Lol the $20 frag will be fine!

Zach I will be there around 1:30 Let me know if that is inconvenient. I will bring the frag at 1:30 If U can be there around then Thanks
loaded up for you guys...

35 AC acro mini colony's...$35
rainbow trachs and welsi...$65
rainbow donuts...$150
lots of $10 zoo/paly plugs
orange/green/yellow euphyllia $35-$85
lots of inverts to choose from...
also got in 8 boxes of fish

hope to see everyone Saturday....!!!
The vucious family is back on the list for Sho Tank this Saturday. What's the finally tally here?

Glad to hear you're back on the list. I estimate it to be between 10-20. Purely a guess though. Usually you end up seeing more people show up who didn't vote or post on the thread.
Bump for today's meet up! I'll see you all there and make sure that you stop by to check in. There may or may not be something special happening for attendees :spy:
Have fun people wint be there but i do enjoy going there when i have time matts a great guy and tgat front display is wicked cool
Sorry we are going to miss the get together/// Daughter is stopping by shortly..Have fun .. Post pictures of your purchases please .. Was hoping to meet u all.. You are all welcome to visit our home and 500g tank.... now or in the future..
I wanted to personally thank everyone that came out. I had a great time chatting, joking around, and meeting a couple of you in person for the first time.

We did draw a gift certificate and the winner asked to not be named so if they choose to come out and say they won, great, if not that's fine too.

Thanks to Matt for hosting our meet up. It was great to chat with you again and we'll definitely come up to visit again soon.

Thanks again everyone and hopefully see you all at the next event!
Had a blast seeing everyone and thanks matt aka sho tanks and cr for having this meet up..

Got some great inverts for my 12g

And congrats to the winner whoever u are :spy:
Thank you Matt for the good meet today. Got myself what I looking for > a serpent purple starfish. Thanks Cr and nice to meet you all.