Simple and cheap 12g Frag tank Build


Whats up guys, thanks for checking out my build.
I have a 34g thats pretty full so Ive decided to frag some of my coral and turn my 12g Mr Aqua thats sitting around, into a simple frag tank.I was realllllyyy itching to drill this thing and throw a sump undeneath,but decided to just do this the simple way and not invest all sorts of money on equipment.

Tank is a 12g Mr aqua, Dims are 35.4" x 8.3" x 9.4".
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I bought some black spray paint and eggcrate at Home Depot.
Eggcrate is a 4x4 i think, for 13bucks.
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Paint was 8$ ,I cut the eggcrate with some pliers.
I sprayed 2 coats , let dry in room temp for 5 days.
Some basic pvc pipes about 3" and the others 4.5 inches .

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I plan to glue the pvc and eggcrate together to make the frag racks.

A simple Hob filter will do the job in the beggining stages of this frag tank, then once i save up money and accumulate nitrates and dissolved organics, ill buy a nano skimmer.

Ill keep updating progress , and the goal is not to spend too much money on this build ,just have it functional so i can keep and grow out my frags.

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Equipment List

This is what im aiming for as far as equipment.

12g Mr Aqua Long aquarium.

Maxspect Razor 120w 21" (but currently trading for a full spectrum Led fixture so well see )

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Cleaning up the tank a bit in the next few days.
Super Glued the pipes to the eggcrate , hooked up the light .

Hagen HOB Mini Clear
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Jebao RW4
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Smart ATO Micro hooked up to a 5 gal tank.

Innovative Marine DIY screen top
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Tank is coming along nicely. Like the tiered setup instead of just doing 1 all across

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