Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Eggs


Active member
Well I just noticed that my skunk cleaner shrimp is holding hundreds of eggs on the bottom of her "tail". I doubt they are fertilized as the only other cleaner shrimp is 10 feet of pvc pipe away, but who knows. Something new everyday in the reef.
good fish food, mine would get eggs every other molt, they will turn translucent right before she releases them
Both of my cleaners lay eggs monthly and they always hatch. The tank mates go crazy catching the wriggling shrimp fry. I turn off the return pump and let everything in teh tank feast. It's awesome!
Oh, you can see the fry if they hatch? I just assumed they were too small to notice, but I guess my shrimps' eggs aren't getting the chance to hatch... They always seem to have a clutch of eggs on them, and release them before molting, but I guess sadly that's where it ends!
Yes, you can see the fry floating around. They are translucent leggy tails floating in the current. My skunk pair also reproduce hermaphroditically (sexing each other up) monthly. It's usually within 45 minutes of lights out. All my fish come out to eat the fry. A few fry make it to the sump where they find a dead spot and live for a few days to a week or more. The parents always molt the same night as they release their fry.
Yes, you can see the fry floating around. They are translucent leggy tails floating in the current. My skunk pair also reproduce hermaphroditically (sexing each other up) monthly. It's usually within 45 minutes of lights out. All my fish come out to eat the fry. A few fry make it to the sump where they find a dead spot and live for a few days to a week or more. The parents always molt the same night as they release their fry.

MINE TOO!! They always release around 1100 PM when it's darker and they both go to the same spot in the tank where they usually never go. That's when I know I should get ready.
Very cool to hear. So in order for them to hatch you need 2 cleaner shrimps right? (Only in a reef tank do you have to ask what seems like a stupid question like this).