Snail question


New member
I bought two banded trochus snails from a guy I know to have good quality live stock. I acclimated them for over two hours and put them in the tank. For several days they were both fine but about the third or fourth day one of them died. I thought it was because he was wedged in a place where he couldn't flip himself back up. So about a week later I bought another one and it died within a day of being in my tank. Any ideas on what could be causing the issue? The one that is still alive seems to be doing really well and all my other livestock (fish, emerald crabs, coral) are thriving. My tank is a 37 gallon and there was a decent amount of algae for them to take care of. So I have no clue what It could be.
What tankmates do you have? Trochus are known to be a little testy at first, but once establish are quite hardy and will breed. I bought 30 or so and 10 of them died the first week. I have a bunch of babies now so all is good.
Two tomato clowns, a blue damsel, a three stripe damsel, and an engineer goby. all my fish are still pretty little and so far i think that there's enough LR and places to hide because all my fish get along better than expected for how aggressive the types of fish they are. None of the fish payed any attention to the snails. Maybe the trick is to buy in large numbers so you get left over with several hardy ones
The only suspect I would even have would be your emerald crab otherwise none of those fish are known to eat snails. Once your fish mature there is a good chance for major fighting. If you are ever up by me I could sell you some of mine.GL