Snails from Newport Beach, CA


New member
so i went to the beach (Newport beach) in California and brought some snails and hermit crabs back. i was expecting them to die but they ended up living! i currently have them in a small rubber maid container with some water from my tank. Do you think it would be ok to put them in my tank? i was thinking about quarantining them for now and then maybe adding them. i will put up some pictures of what they look like later. has anyone ever done this before?

the hermit crab is called Pagurus samuelis
and the snails are called Chlorostoma funebralis

anyone see any problem in adding them to the tank?
Those I believe would be temperate, average water temp is around 70 degrees. My daughter went last year and took some photos tide pooling. I was blown away by some of the colorful rock anemones she found but alas...all cold water species. I think if I were you I'd give them a try, as long as you have them. Worst case scenario, they all die. What else would you do with them, bring them back?
yeah the anemones were amazing and all over the place!!! i took some picture and i will be posting them within a week depending on how much free time i get. the temp was pretty cold tho lol. I will prob stick them in my refugium after i acclimate them to my water. and check for any signs of anything.....