so if u had choice what angel would u get

what angel who u do

  • blue face

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • majestic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • emperator

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I have 2 potters in a reef and love them. The actinics bring out those cool blue lines and they really pop. That said, I voted for Blue Face. They are my favorite angel ever since diving the GBR and seeing bunches of them. The aussies called them yellow faced angels due to the yellow eye band. I had one in a fish only for a long time. It was gorgeous, but perhaps a little shy and not always out in the open. IMO, the emperor is a close second.

potters r nice had one was awsome . looking for big angel for this tank had tons of dwarf time for big boys
joe I love my imperator. annularis get huge! old town has a big one and it dwarfs imperator and blue face.
I like potters. Saw a rusty today and those are pretty cool. But I always have liked the coral beauty.

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went with the imperator angel so thanks guys . now to keep it alive dont really have luck with angels for some reason we will see

crooks u too dont people read i want big angel . dont matter got one and its not doing good any way screw it hate angels they suck dam thing has internals im treating but it sat at store for 2 months with out being treated so maybe too late. and its not for my reef ok dang lol
crooks u too dont people read i want big angel . dont matter got one and its not doing good any way screw it hate angels they suck dam thing has internals im treating but it sat at store for 2 months with out being treated so maybe too late. and its not for my reef ok dang lol
