SPS corals do not seem happy. PLEASE HELP

I really don't have an answer for that yet. Now that I've lost a majority of them, I only have a couple left that are pretty hardy. My blue digi is now extending so that's a good thing. I'll look into getting some more frags soon. I'm also willing to take any freebies if there are any out there .

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I was looking at the kalk stirrer as well (its nice), but ended up spending the money on the Barrel Tender instead...and I just put the kalk directly in the ATO chamber.

Since my ATO chamber is only 2 to 3 days in size, the Barrel Tender will refill it (directly from the RODI) "regularly" and stir it up in the process :megaman:

Best part is this (and the Davy Jones locker) shifted my required maintenance from every 2 or 3 days to monthly (empty skimmate, reload kalk, & 20% water change) :rock: :rock: :rock:

BTW, did ajreefer721 ever figure out why the SPS were not happy?????

I have a 40g water tank I've been adding Kalk to every time I make water. It works ok buy am hoping for more consistency from the stirrer.

Barrel tender is nice but I don't make water that often as it is. Tempting though. I wish it could automate adding salt to .026 for my other container.

Wish I had some coral to give. Maybe after I get my frag tank going.

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