Sps Id

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Lil BamBam

Premium member
I picked this up from a good freind on RC.. Can some one ID for me..

Note: One pc was glued the wrong way.. So it might look some what white.

This was taken with my phone

Acropora valida

As far as if it is a common 'named' version, is unknown based on the picture. Once it grows, gets its true colors, and a good picture will be able to decide this.
Looks just like a GARF Bonsai to me...just kidding, it must be a fake red hornet zoa.

But really, don't go calling it a bonsai, you wouldn't want people getting all up in your thread for labeling it as such, cause you know, there is only one coral that is allowed to be called a Bonsai....
LOL!!! Let's all take our pills and share some corals :D Just look at my avatar and should say it all..

Love and Peace ;)
Looks just like a GARF Bonsai to me...just kidding, it must be a fake red hornet zoa.

But really, don't go calling it a bonsai, you wouldn't want people getting all up in your thread for labeling it as such, cause you know, there is only one coral that is allowed to be called a Bonsai....

And this is from a mod... SMH
And this is from a mod... SMH

I'm just relaying the correct info that I was provided by the people that apparently know everything about everything. God forbid anyone be allowed to say anything contrary to those said know-it-alls now, right Eric?

Either way, closing thread per OP request.
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